
Twister7boy's Blog (22)

when banks fudge up 05-16-2011

i like how if we make a mistake were suppose to pay for it.

ok no worries.

if the bank makes the mistake were suppose to pay for that as well my foot



Added by twister7boy on May 16, 2011 at 6:37pm — No Comments

what a joke 05-15-2011

they killed my cell phone.

they are suppose to ask you what you want to do.

not decide for you.

nice customer service this time my foot.

i have been with your company for around 12 years.


Added by twister7boy on May 15, 2011 at 4:25pm — No Comments

at&t vs sanfransico plus makers bot 04-29-2011

a printer that makes car parts?

used to make 3d almost anything out of polymer

the makers bot turning to the direction of a broader view.

in the makes and testing to make real car parts.

instead of waiting for a part to be shipped from

over seas make it on the spot.

i would love to see how far this goes.

u-verse the battle for tech.

sanfransico doesnt want at&t treading there.

this is meaning who would own cell towers and so forth.

i wonder what… Continue

Added by twister7boy on April 29, 2011 at 1:17am — 1 Comment

do you throw your old computer stuff away? 04-27-2011

do you throw your old computer stuff away?

well i try and savage all the good parts.
like tower or memory plus hard drive and so on.
just the useful stuff.
why i trade or give them to a few friends that need them :)

Added by twister7boy on April 27, 2011 at 7:21pm — 1 Comment

lots to read here hehe 04-26-2011

iphone app RememberIt are you kidding me?

so heres how it works.

you set a alarm if you move more then 50-500 feet away from where your standing.

thus hoping you check too see if you have everything or forgetting to do something.

heres the link.


how to see deleted blogs videos and so on.

google… Continue

Added by twister7boy on April 26, 2011 at 3:30am — 1 Comment

$100,000,000.00 where did it go? 04-25-2011

i caught this story while watching cnn or msnbc a few months ago.

a site set up a few years ago to raise money for war veterans and 9-11 family's.

now this is interesting.

over the years the site kept taking in money but no money was ever moved to where it said it was going to go.

i have to wonder why te irs or bbb didnt see this as kinda suspicious.

this year the owner of the site withdrew all the money topping in at you guessed it…


Added by twister7boy on April 25, 2011 at 11:05pm — No Comments

a short funny story 04-25-2011

once upon a time a kid ate a cookie and poped out a furball



that turned evil



hungry for blood they rose to…


Added by twister7boy on April 25, 2011 at 2:59am — No Comments

scams topped in at over 300 million dollars last year and this is why 04-25-2011

scams topped in at over 300 million dollars last year and this is why 04-25-2011

last years figures just came out yes it took that long.

first if any transaction is required to be made outside the us stop and think scam.

second if you are being asked to send money western union stop and think scam.

if your being asked for your personal info stop and think scam.

if letter says it from a company why is it sent from a person and not that company.

stop and think… Continue

Added by twister7boy on April 25, 2011 at 1:53am — 1 Comment

google video no more as of april 29th 4-24-2011

google video no more as of april 29th 4-24-2011

google will no longer be hosting videos on your google account.

they off to move all your videos to youtube for free posted on googles youtube blog.

however thats a lot of videos to move.

do you trust them doing it all themselves.

in googles youtube blog they are also showing you how to transfer them.

so if you want you can do move them yourself.

knowing that you should really read youtubes terms of service.

so… Continue

Added by twister7boy on April 24, 2011 at 7:19am — 2 Comments

what 5 laws do you hate the most? 4-21-2011

well these arnt my most hated just the ones i hate in general.

1. mandatory jail for having a spec of drugs on you.

if its just a user leave destroy the drug in front of them and leave them be.

go after the makers of the drug.

2. taxes. you bought a car it says it your and fully paid for.

so why are we still paying on something we own not renting but owning.

im my mind that means we dont own it if we continue to pay on it.

3. states with the…


Added by twister7boy on April 21, 2011 at 3:54am — No Comments

whats a roaming ip address good for ? 4-20-2011

whats a roaming ip address good for ? 4-20-2011

first note it will not work with a land line.

here are just a few to start with.

1. harder to trace you but can be done if you dont change it all the time.

2. hacking of course.

3. avoiding being hacked.

4. sets you up to get around blocked site with out really having to do anything.

5. most people will not be able to find your real location.

6. keeps you from getting viruses unless you download them.

7. simple… Continue

Added by twister7boy on April 20, 2011 at 6:30am — 1 Comment

hate being not able to connect to facebook at school or work? for mac 04-20-2011

hate being not able to connect to facebook at school or work? 04-20-2011

a few simple ways to over rule that.

1. to set up remote desktop on your home PC, follow these instructions.

once youve done that, all you need to do is make a note of your IP address so you can connect once you’re at work.

if you need to know your IP, check out whatismyip.com.

on the Facebook-blocked computer, simply click the start menu and load up “remote desktop connection” on a mac.

or download… Continue

Added by twister7boy on April 20, 2011 at 6:08am — No Comments

should i pick this series up or not you decide

dreams from my head.

i would only post one a month.

mostly nightmares i cant figure out to save my life.

the most weird part about them are they are so out of this world.

Added by twister7boy on March 30, 2011 at 3:02am — 3 Comments

the thorn in us all

the thorn in us all

why people need to get some common seance in them.

most people say im nice and wouldnt harm a fly.

how much does it take for one to lose it.

some know and some dont but this giant teddy bear everyone sees is no stranger to the deadly side.

this is one reason why i say my thoughts and let it go after that.

anyone can kill in the right situation i dont care what you say.

a few real life things from my past you might not think ive done.

ill… Continue

Added by twister7boy on March 29, 2011 at 3:31am — 1 Comment

rich's new contest

3 contests rolled up into 1.

great prizes as always from him.

direct link


Added by twister7boy on March 28, 2011 at 10:11am — 2 Comments

why do people always try and pick on the best people out there?

get ready its a long one.

its no surprise that i get crap sent to me all the time about good friends.

most of it is just crap they know nothing about or dont even bother checking into.

everyone does make mistakes no dought hay good band too.

why should i ditch my friends for simple mistakes everyone makes themselves?

i wont and every time someone sends me something i read or watch every bit of it concerning slandering my friends.

makes me…


Added by twister7boy on March 26, 2011 at 4:45am — No Comments

got a ticket on a skateboard huh 03-15-2011

so i drove a few towns over because there is nowhere to really skate here.

almost morning hours very few people were out and i was skating the streets.

long and behold this is a first one on me.

i went through a intersection red light my way.

a stinking cop pulled out the corner gas station just to give me a ticket.

as if any one else was on that road at the time duh.

65 bucks and a moving violation.

what kind of mickey mouse drug was he on…


Added by twister7boy on March 15, 2011 at 1:28am — 2 Comments

contest time 19 inch monitor 03-13-2011

link to my entry


link to the contest in that vid.

now what are you waiting for go and have a little fun will ya :)

Added by twister7boy on March 13, 2011 at 4:14am — No Comments

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