
An Actual Conversation With a Birther

This old friend from Galveston contacted me on IM. We started talking about Windows and computers, then the subject moved into politics. I changed his name to name_withheld for obvious reasons, but that is the only thing I changed. Here is how the discussion went:

name_withheld (9:46:07 PM): I just love what washinton has given us all
name_withheld (9:46:13 PM): a 170k bill
name_withheld (9:46:31 PM): due to all the money they gave away
caljen1701@att.net (9:46:58 PM): Money to the banks, money to the corporations, and so far nothing to the people.
name_withheld (9:47:08 PM): nope and never will eather
name_withheld (9:47:25 PM): I dont care what party is in charge they pay back their buddies
caljen1701@att.net (9:47:35 PM): They were trying to give us health care, but the dummies raised hell about it.
name_withheld (9:47:39 PM): but OBOMA needs to be removed
name_withheld (9:47:47 PM): he is not a ligit amreican
name_withheld (9:47:55 PM): born in kinya
caljen1701@att.net (9:47:58 PM): Yes, he is, actually.
name_withheld (9:48:05 PM): NO he isnt
name_withheld (9:48:14 PM): I have a 1961 birth cert
caljen1701@att.net (9:48:17 PM): Those stories were disproven. His birth certificate is legit.
name_withheld (9:48:27 PM): and all where uniform in the 1950-1968
name_withheld (9:48:42 PM): they only shown a copy
name_withheld (9:48:49 PM): never the origanal
caljen1701@att.net (9:49:08 PM): Have you ever lost your birth certificate and had to get a new copy?
name_withheld (9:49:18 PM): nope never lost that
caljen1701@att.net (9:49:25 PM): I have. Twice.
name_withheld (9:50:01 PM): why did his grangmother on his dads side say she witnessed his birth along with the women of his town in kinya?
caljen1701@att.net (9:50:41 PM): I don't know. I wonder how much money they were offered?
name_withheld (9:51:13 PM): well I will beleave a 90yo lady over any politison
caljen1701@att.net (9:52:02 PM): Well, you may as well give up hoping on that one because that issue has already been through congress.
name_withheld (9:52:11 PM): nope
name_withheld (9:52:19 PM): they just spwep ti under the rug
name_withheld (9:52:53 PM): basicly they dont care what so ever about the laws they just rewrite them to their likings
caljen1701@att.net (9:53:11 PM): http://www.snopes.com/politics/obama/birthcertificate.asp
name_withheld (9:53:17 PM): oboma has tax cheats in the whitehouse in charge
name_withheld (9:53:26 PM): nothign like lettign the fox into the hen house
caljen1701@att.net (9:53:50 PM): Bush and Cheney didn't?
name_withheld (9:54:13 PM): that link did not show a 1961 birth cert
caljen1701@att.net (9:54:35 PM): http://www.usatoday.com/news/nation/2009-07-27-obama-hawaii_N.htm
name_withheld (9:54:47 PM): he clambed he had his original birthcert
caljen1701@att.net (9:55:14 PM): Who said he claimed that?
name_withheld (9:55:36 PM): he did in a speech when asked about it, he ssaid that he had it in a safe
name_withheld (9:55:51 PM): is it so hard to show it?
name_withheld (9:56:31 PM): he showed a copy of a it, but nothign with the DR sig on it
name_withheld (9:56:50 PM): the copy is a 1991 requested copy
caljen1701@att.net (9:56:54 PM): Face it. You're just a sore loser.
name_withheld (9:57:05 PM): for someone that has the origanal why did he need a copy?
name_withheld (9:57:22 PM): no I am not going ot let a aferican take over this conuntry
name_withheld (9:57:36 PM): the guy is a sleez bag
caljen1701@att.net (9:57:45 PM): No more than Bush and Cheney.
name_withheld (9:57:51 PM): he kisss the asses of our enimanies
name_withheld (9:58:01 PM): they did not bow to a king
caljen1701@att.net (9:58:11 PM): We shouldn't have attacked Iraq in the first place.
name_withheld (9:58:22 PM): we shoudl have nuked them first
caljen1701@att.net (9:58:24 PM): It's nice to see SOMEONE showing others some respect.
name_withheld (9:58:39 PM): we stoped bowing when we became a natiion
name_withheld (9:58:45 PM): if you look up edicate
caljen1701@att.net (9:58:48 PM): Yeah, then we would have been nuked, then the whole earth would be radioactive and there would be no place to live.
name_withheld (9:58:58 PM): a PRESADENT DOES NOT bow to ANY peader
name_withheld (9:59:04 PM): leader
name_withheld (9:59:20 PM): he fired the whoel staff that was to keep the rules in order
name_withheld (9:59:53 PM): O Hso letting norht korian and Iran have nuke is a good thing?
caljen1701@att.net (9:59:56 PM): Do yu want everyone on earth to be walking around like these people?
caljen1701@att.net (10:00:00 PM): http://images.google.com/images?rlz=1C1DVCC_enUS353US353&source...
name_withheld (10:00:10 PM): I am glad we nuked them too
name_withheld (10:00:15 PM): it stopped the war
caljen1701@att.net (10:00:29 PM): It just pushed it in an economic direction.
name_withheld (10:00:30 PM): they are the ones that attacked us
caljen1701@att.net (10:00:53 PM): Yes, but we knew they were going to attack Pearl Harbor before hand.
name_withheld (10:01:19 PM): nope
caljen1701@att.net (10:01:23 PM): They let it happen so that they could get the American people behind going into the world war.
name_withheld (10:01:25 PM): just knew it was in the pasific
name_withheld (10:01:46 PM): and they only gave a 30 min warning
caljen1701@att.net (10:01:58 PM): My late best friend's dad was one of the cryptographers.
name_withheld (10:02:15 PM): I seen the docs that shwo a time from the tele type
name_withheld (10:02:49 PM): it was sent to the jap embasicy the night before and was not delivorded until 30 min befor the attact
name_withheld (10:03:08 PM): soz bout the typing
name_withheld (10:03:18 PM): I am touch typing in the dark
name_withheld (10:03:30 PM): moni is sleeping
caljen1701@att.net (10:03:59 PM): They sent the air craft carrier out on maneuvers so it wouldn't be destroyed.
name_withheld (10:05:17 PM): well they need to nuke the border between afgan and packastan to stop oboma and tell them ok who is next
name_withheld (10:05:26 PM): but we havw a pussy for a pres
name_withheld (10:05:40 PM): he would rather kiss ass than do what is needed
caljen1701@att.net (10:05:47 PM): I'd rather have a pussy than an asshole who can't reason.
name_withheld (10:06:06 PM): ya all the mosulms
name_withheld (10:06:20 PM): if they want ot blow each othe rup I say help them
caljen1701@att.net (10:06:59 PM): They've been fighting since time began and they're not going to stop because we want them to. We were stupid to go in there in the first place.
name_withheld (10:07:06 PM): I know
name_withheld (10:07:09 PM): time ot stop the fight
name_withheld (10:07:13 PM): nuke them all
name_withheld (10:07:19 PM): let them go to alha
caljen1701@att.net (10:07:45 PM): Who died and named us God?
name_withheld (10:07:54 PM): Jesus did
name_withheld (10:08:16 PM): Jesus died so we can all be sons of GOD
caljen1701@att.net (10:09:01 PM): Sons of God would act like Christ.
name_withheld (10:09:19 PM): yes jesus also dumped the table too
caljen1701@att.net (10:09:55 PM): He overturned the tables of the moneychangers.
name_withheld (10:10:09 PM): I say take all the leaders of the muslam father and have them stand in a room and the last one htat leaves alive wins
caljen1701@att.net (10:10:32 PM): If someone strikes you on one cheek, turn to him the other also. If someone takes your cloak, do not stop him from taking your tunic.
name_withheld (10:11:01 PM): but also no one said you have to jsut stand and take it eather
caljen1701@att.net (10:11:36 PM): Matthew 5:38-40 (New International Version)

An Eye for an Eye

38"You have heard that it was said, 'Eye for eye, and tooth for tooth.'[a] 39But I tell you, Do not resist an evil person. If someone strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also. 40And if someone wants to sue you and take your tunic, let him have your cloak as well.
caljen1701@att.net (10:12:02 PM): He didn't say "Smite thy enemies."
name_withheld (10:12:08 PM): I know the bible, but you cant offer a hand up to aperson who is pullin goyu down
name_withheld (10:12:27 PM): I said cut off their hand before they pull you down too
name_withheld (10:13:01 PM): hey I can live in peace as long as you dont for it on me
name_withheld (10:13:13 PM): but it has to be a 2 way street
caljen1701@att.net (10:13:42 PM): If our corporations weren't over there making their lives miserable, they wouldn't have attacked us in the first place.
name_withheld (10:14:02 PM): OH yes we are just forcing htem to take our teck
name_withheld (10:14:24 PM): we went over ther to beging them out of the dark ages
name_withheld (10:14:48 PM): we offer them running water and medical and stuck and we get bombed
caljen1701@att.net (10:14:51 PM): If they were more powerful than us and they were over here forcing their ideology on us, don't you think we'd take whatever measures we could to stop them?
name_withheld (10:15:06 PM): not with oboma
name_withheld (10:15:22 PM): he is just opening the door and telling them please come in and kill us
name_withheld (10:15:26 PM): we want ot be friends
name_withheld (10:15:56 PM): they guy is a total idiot
caljen1701@att.net (10:16:23 PM): Halliburton was using their women as prostitutes.
caljen1701@att.net (10:16:27 PM): http://www.wired.com/dangerroom/2008/02/party-house-pro/
name_withheld (10:16:36 PM): OH YA sure they did
name_withheld (10:16:51 PM): the men sold them
name_withheld (10:17:33 PM): ya they really look distressed
caljen1701@att.net (10:17:45 PM): You have your mind made up. It's probably not going to do me much good to talk to you.
name_withheld (10:18:30 PM): well when his original birth cert is show to a live tv an dit looks exactly like my 1961 I will kiss his ass in time square
name_withheld (10:19:02 PM): ther was only 1 type of birth cert made back in that time frame
name_withheld (10:19:19 PM): I can get you 1,000's of ppl with the same type
name_withheld (10:19:39 PM): he clambed he had his origanal, p[rove it
name_withheld (10:20:06 PM): like I was alsways told
name_withheld (10:20:11 PM): put up or shut up
caljen1701@att.net (10:20:43 PM): Prove to me that you're your father's child.
name_withheld (10:20:55 PM): dna
caljen1701@att.net (10:21:15 PM): What if your father's brother or cousin slept with her?
name_withheld (10:21:18 PM): and I have birth photos that look exacly alike
name_withheld (10:21:42 PM): no brothers
caljen1701@att.net (10:21:52 PM): http://www.factcheck.org/elections-2008/born_in_the_usa.html
name_withheld (10:22:19 PM): ya send me to a goverment web site
caljen1701@att.net (10:22:39 PM): It's factcheck.org.
name_withheld (10:22:52 PM): owned by the usgovernment
name_withheld (10:22:58 PM): did you look a the date on they
name_withheld (10:23:00 PM): 2007
name_withheld (10:23:20 PM): that is not a 1961 birthcert
caljen1701@att.net (10:24:04 PM): Download the jpgs of the original.
name_withheld (10:24:19 PM): lol
name_withheld (10:24:23 PM): it dont exist
name_withheld (10:25:36 PM): like I said that is a copy of a 2007 NOT 1961
caljen1701@att.net (10:25:56 PM): Take it up with the hospital in Hawaii.
name_withheld (10:26:21 PM): nope I am takin git up with his ass
name_withheld (10:26:33 PM): he is a lier and nothgin but hte origanal will change my mind
name_withheld (10:26:56 PM): he is a forner in the white house and needs to be removed
caljen1701@att.net (10:26:57 PM): Why don't the two of you settle it man to man on the White House lawn?
name_withheld (10:27:08 PM): yes sounds good to me
name_withheld (10:27:15 PM): I iwll bring my 1961 birth cert
name_withheld (10:27:19 PM): and he brings his
name_withheld (10:27:25 PM): I amn up fo rit
name_withheld (10:27:28 PM): is he?
caljen1701@att.net (10:27:37 PM): Why don't you ask him.
name_withheld (10:27:41 PM): I did
name_withheld (10:27:46 PM): and never got an answer
name_withheld (10:27:52 PM): so they have somethign to hide
name_withheld (10:28:11 PM): is it so hard to open up the safe with a camrea crew there?
caljen1701@att.net (10:28:12 PM): Probably because so many crazies are screaming about it that he didn't get to your letter.
name_withheld (10:28:47 PM): they guy is a proven lier
name_withheld (10:29:02 PM): he is a socialist
name_withheld (10:29:47 PM): he is a greeny weenie and is lettin ghe UN dictate to us how ot live
name_withheld (10:30:04 PM): even though the global warming is proven false
caljen1701@att.net (10:30:26 PM): Bush was a bully and couldn't even let the U.N. finish the search before he attacked the wrong country.
name_withheld (10:30:34 PM): they want us to go back ot the dark ages
caljen1701@att.net (10:30:54 PM): They probably just want us to get the hell out of their country.
name_withheld (10:31:08 PM): OH so the 500,00 ppl that sudely died of nurve gas happend naturaly?
caljen1701@att.net (10:31:30 PM): Is that really our concern?
name_withheld (10:31:46 PM): oh so lettign them kill women and childern is ok now?
caljen1701@att.net (10:32:10 PM): We killed more of Hussein's people than that and we are the ones who put Hussein in power.
name_withheld (10:32:41 PM): I sai dkill them all and shut the door on the way out
name_withheld (10:33:05 PM): start at tyhe border and bomb anythgin that moves
caljen1701@att.net (10:33:21 PM): Well, maybe that asteroid will finally get here and wipe us all out and God can sort us out then.
name_withheld (10:34:01 PM): he if you want to to die be my guest
name_withheld (10:34:05 PM): I for one
name_withheld (10:34:23 PM): say leave me alone an ddont hurt anyone else and no one will kill you
caljen1701@att.net (10:34:49 PM): Well, we were in their country causing trouble first.
name_withheld (10:36:14 PM): we left an area and did you see whatr happened?
name_withheld (10:36:22 PM): the blew up 118 ppl
name_withheld (10:36:57 PM): and their leader said they need 15 years of us there so they can try and take over
caljen1701@att.net (10:41:55 PM): http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/article/2008/jun/27/obamas-...
name_withheld (10:43:46 PM): again it is the 2007 copy
name_withheld (10:43:52 PM): no the 1961 origanal
caljen1701@att.net (10:44:40 PM): Alright. It's a copy.
name_withheld (10:44:51 PM): show the origanal
name_withheld (10:45:07 PM): he shows his marrage certy
name_withheld (10:45:33 PM): and his wife showed hers
name_withheld (10:45:42 PM): why cant he who his?
caljen1701@att.net (10:46:02 PM): I'm through talking about this.
caljen1701@att.net (10:46:17 PM): I have to run finish helping my mom decorate the tree.
name_withheld (10:46:23 PM): ok
name_withheld (10:46:28 PM): take care
caljen1701@att.net (10:46:33 PM): You too.

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