This issue has bin brought up & played with so many times here i know. So i thought i would bring it up again just 2 annoy ya'z all k :)))
Currently the chatrooms that i-tube have r,
The shitty lil 'ning' txt chat at the bottom of the screen, (which has gotten even worse than it was).
& we also have a Tok Box Group:
that hardly ever gets used buy the regular uses here. Also, u have 2 be a member of the actual 'Ol Skewl Tok Box' group. (which isn't hard & i'm sure that every1 would b accepted). Thing is with that, nobody knows when anybody else is going to be on it & i doubt any1 even checks. I have always bin a fan of having sum kinda webcam chatroom on the front page,
& for newer members, we used to have 1 on the front page & for the most part, it waz GREAT! There r reasons why there isn't 1 there now, sum ppl here r for it & others r against having a chatroom on the main page. Sumtimes it just needs to be monitored & moderated 24/7 which is the biggest problem, in my eyes anyway. Most of the time, (when this site is active), there's sum1 around with commonsense or an admin floating by 2 keep an eye on the 'Uber Bad Trolls' that may come in & cause a lil or a lot of kaos. We could always put an IP ban on Ravisher, that would solve 90% of any problems right there :))) Luv ya Ravy *kisses*
Another suggestion that has also bin brought up b4 is that we could allocate a certain night of the week which worx best for the majority that would want to participate. Like a Friday or Saturday night. If enuff interest, it will b organized.
In the past when that suggestion was made, i honeslty think it was just a lack of active members at the time but we have members now that i think would not only participate but also enjoy. I also think it will attract others if we can get sumthin goin!!!
Kk... enuf, i'm not a writer... Please comment & let every1 know wot u think about it or any suggestions u may have.... ALL OF U!
Don't b lazy, just leave a comment saying how u feel about it so we all know whether to bother with tryin sumthin out or not.
@ Drone V Thnx, & if it happens we will let uno :)))
I am up for it, just another chance to maybe meet some cool people. If everybody decides on something for sure, Let me know.
I haven't been on TB in a while. I'll look into it. I just activated this "New and Improved" ning chat. Not impressed, though, MAYBE we'll do TB on say...Fridays and all day Saturday. Should this occur, I really don't want to put anyone on babysitting duty.....I'd LOVE to leave it up, since it (used to be a) great feature.
@ Sergey... is that a change TB has made, making ur own cam smaller?
I had heard of sum mod changes at TB, we can always have a look at a heap of different chatroom services.
If sumthin ends up comin out of this, it will b great & i will luv it, but i try not 2 get 2 anxious about it or expect anythin, coz i've bin disapointed b4. Not from any1 inparticular, just that not many ppl were using it. Timing & participation is what will make this work, also if we wrok together & actually want 2 do it. I don't wanna put out a suggestion that hardly any1 wantz & i understand this site doesn't revolve around anything i say, or want or even a chatroom. Not 2 say suggestions & ideas aren't looked at but at all, i rly don't know, it will also depend on whether it actually takes off, we gotta use it or it will flop very quikly!
@ Sergey... Luv the McNuggets... lolololol, not so much the 'dear' part tho...
(I don't like Fishermen or any men 4 that matter)!
I understand & also agree sumwot, (just for you, somewhat), that it does kinda forces ppl to being in a chatroom when just trying 2 visit the site.... Yet i'm all 4 catchin em unaware too & havin sum lollerz :))) Which again, ino iz a 'concern', or 'LuL Killer' however u want 2 put it. I try 2 enjoy myself without being too malicious.
To b honest as long as there were ppl in the room i wouldn't care where it waz.
@ Shawny, I'm not sure if u have seen Tok Box:
which is the chatroom service we had most of the time, it could handle like 15 cams or sumthing, it waz a pretty good setup. The main problem waz that they didn't have anyway moderating tools for the the chatroom, like not being able to kick sum1 out for breaking TOS & things like that.
There is also another popular chatroom, 'Tiny Chat:
We have tried that & it does have moderating tools. & with TinyChat, they can list our room publicaly which would mean we would get featured on there homepage & get ppl from there & possibly more members. Only downfall, (seems 2 b a lot of weirdo's on TinyChat). Wait.... that'z prob perfect for here then lol.
It all comes down to what the admins think & also how much participation happens early on when/if it starts up. (puttin the pressure on now)! I appreciate the few that have given sum positive input into the discussion... coz i fully understand i-tube is not a chatroom site, i just like having it here & believe others would 2. There r many other things ppl can suggest 2 help us get together more or help the site in anyway.
@ j Soundz good in theory, i think sumthin like that along with having a page for chat even would b a good idea. It iz hard with only a few regulars, i understand that but the more goin on here, the more it will attract ppl uno.
Every1 needs 2 start pimpin this place if we want it more lively
" Gotta get the word out... gotta get the word out... gotta get.... "
@ McFuk - Argents way is typical of VH / Chatterheads / and Vloasis... people set a time in a blog and people note if they will attend on X day at X time... or if someon just wants to sit on the room and gather people as they come on line, they throw up a blog saying hey we are in chat right now...... it does make things simple
Kool... so far we've accomplished fukall lol... i do like the idea of having a main link @ the top of the page 2 a chatroom on it's own page. I don't c why not.
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