For the past few days, on FaceBook, one of my more active friends and constantly banned "friends", Trag, Tragnificent, Tragneto, ImSoUHoez, UhoezMovement...etc, would post a status in which you could comment on.
Earlier this weekend he posted something to the effect of, "Fellas, let's create something like FB to earn some extra income." or something to that effect. I chimed it with some suggestions and it became apparent that it was ONLY talk, as he became EASILY frustrated. I mentioned that OTHERS are making money off HIS work, such as:
Bossip (who conviently added a PRE-Roll to monetize stolen content):
This is 50:
AND even BACK on YouTube, lol:
Seem's he's just FINE with making other people money..."as long as the watermark is there", which links to a banned account.
THIS morning logged in and saw THIS status:
I commented:
I ended up blocked and can't comment.....*sniffle*.
Anyway, I once promoted his site and even put a banner linking on the front page. That was BEFORE. NOW that we've discussed, briefly, how to generate revenue, I'm guessing he's decided to E-Beg, posting his paypal, chip-in and FundRazr links to panhandle his FB "friends" for money.
When I went to his site and clicked the "About Us" tab, I was SHOCKED to see THIS out in the open:
Is this legal, while it isn't right, everything on the internet IS NOT public domain. I hate it when idiots scream "Free Speech", "Fair Use", "Public Domain" and have NO FUCKING IDEA what the fuck they're talking about.
Anyway...just wanted to let you know if you see ANY of your content running loose on the internet, I'm SURE you all know how to handle it.
Twenty bucks to remove content about you? Something tells me that's much more than the revenue he earns on the site itself.
Comment by Kiddsock on September 28, 2010 at 9:02am
Ha.. .Now PeterCoffin tweeted off on me about it. Very Hateful.
Comment by Count Draugula on September 28, 2010 at 4:36am
MUST BE ON "How to GET PAID, for Dummies"... page 1. SERIOUSLY weak. Hey! If a mofo want's to work for free I got some shit for you to do! Derp derp...
Comment by Magicwhoha on September 27, 2010 at 5:44pm
LOL .... You mean all I have to do is invent BS about people then Charge them a Fee to Remove it lmao ..... then they get more information to fuck you with from PayPal gtfo ... Its funny at what length they will stretch their Assholes Out
Comment by Kiddsock on September 27, 2010 at 4:07pm
Awwww you guys are sweet. Prob 1st one to lose partnership too. LOL
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