What's with all the videos from niggers calling niggers niggers? If it's a bad word, stop fucking using it all the fucking time nigger! I'm tired of hearing niggers call each other nigger and then get all offended if they hear someone else say nigger, nigger please! And PUHLEEZE don't give me that lame ass cop out that "Nigga" isn't the same fucking word, talk about some nigger ass kindergarten level stupid nigger shit!
Nigger Please!
Got you something.
Ok so how is that any different than reports of Dr Dre possibly losing his deal with Apple over a video he uploaded to YouTube celebrating with friends.
Or Ludacris losing money on an endorsement deal because Bill O'Reilly decided to wage a culture war on Hip Hop because of material produced for entertainment.
Paula Dean used the word Nigger, and she confessed to it according to you, if the incident happened in the 80's what would be the point in bringing it up now?
Better yet since we opened the can of worms, why is it important to describe someone robbing a bank, as a nigger, rather than simply a low life scum bag who jeopardized the lives of innocent people, for what seems like easier money than earning it.
Again, Image problem like when Bill Clinton decided instead of telling people asking about his personal life and affair to go fuck themselves and not answering the god damn question, he went ahead instead and LIED about it and perjured himself in front house and senate.
I don't personally give a shit what Bill did with his cigars in the Oval Office between him and another consenting adult, and I sure as fuck am Not interested in what Paula Deans history is with using the word nigger, or her profile of the guy who robbed her working at a BANK.
She got "Fired" if you will because of what I said above IMAGE, just like YOU, ME or anybody else can be fired, so to PIN this ON THE WORD NIGGER or cry about a double standard, people see it for what it really is, a MEDIA ICON being dropped by sponsors and being fucked OUT OF A DEAL, because of her OWN actions or at least the actions of those who had ever right just like all the cases above to GO NOPE, WE DON'T WANT TO BE TIED OR ASSOCIATED with that.
Funny how that RACE card only seems to be called out by some when it is deemed pulled by anybody else WHO ISN'T WHITE LOL!
Comment by Argent009 23 minutes ago
I had a proper response typed out then I dropped my keyboard and it closed my f'n browser. Let me just say this. Keep in mind, this is NOT Vloggerheads and I'm not one of those idiots you were having problems with on there, remember who I am, we're friends not enemies. We might have some minor points where we disagree here but lets not get too far afield with this. We DO agree on the more important points.
Noo we don't because if you say shit like "I have no problem with the NAACP, I have a problem with the lack of a NAAWP" and "Thing is though, we can have groups that support the advancement of all of these groups of people EXCEPT for the white people." then we couldn't disagree more and we couldn't be further part on the issue than the Grand Canyon
You know what I always admired about some of these groups, you mentioned NAACP, NAAWP, whatever, racialist, racist?
Their clarity, stupid yes, but clear in their agendas, however different in method, the one thing is the same, you know where they stand on the issues, because they make it really clear.
So, I like that, and I like to make myself clear, I hate bigots, and I am intolerant of intolerant people, so if some dude approaches me on the street, holding out a pamphlet or ever trying to reach me with this brotherhood of man and evolves into that rhetoric of my people, your people, our people, I just tune that shit right the fuck out.
Every once in a while it would be some dude in a bow tie too, darker skin like myself, and he takes a look at me and assumes he knows anything about me.
Again, it's all bullshit, I don't trust, respect yes, Trust NEVER!
But the point is if that something you feel the need to embrace, as I said Have fun!
I am not placing any responsibility on you or preaching, I am just saying I have no people, and I don't give flying fuck about anybody who does have people. If you do GOOD, happy for you, but I am not in NEED of any PEOPLE
If someone is in need and I can help, that is what I do, I help, I do what I can, I don't care what their skin is and I don't think I or anybody else should get a special pat on the fucking back.
That is my problem with this whole diversity = Anti White bullshit campaign, because it places the same rhetoric and simplistic staples it pro-ports are legitimate problems with black bigotry, which I DO recognize and accept as real.
But just because, I do, doesn't mean that I am suddenly for mighty whitey or some uncle tom negro or some shit, it is because I know sure the hell fuck what it is like to be labeled and misunderstood before I could even be given a chance, and white, black or whatever, I refuse to lay down for doing that towards some one else, regardless to if that makes me COOL or NOT, and I sure as fuck don't care if it is popular.
You want to embrace that whole my people this, or everybody has a people be my guest. It's not new hell the NAACP and guys like Jesse Jackson pimp that shit for years, For whites it seems to be the NEW thing to do,
I had a proper response typed out then I dropped my keyboard and it closed my f'n browser. Let me just say this. Keep in mind, this is NOT Vloggerheads and I'm not one of those idiots you were having problems with on there, remember who I am, we're friends not enemies. We might have some minor points where we disagree here but lets not get too far afield with this. We DO agree on the more important points.
P.S. You's still mah nigga, right? :)
No, I am not your Nigger! You been asleep huckleberry, you missed that century by a few decades.
I have no problem with the NAACP, I have a problem with the lack of a NAAWP
Then you are part of the problem, if you believe is segregated groups, as a way of balancing out what YOU view as an institutional wrong, then you have NO credibility, You're question is not about whether it is wrong nor do you care, but it is more about why can't get away with it.
we should have both. I'm all for the advancement of (eeks, I have to use the word) colored people, but I'm also for the advancement of white people and yellow people and red people etc etc
No. so then we don't agree at all!
Thing is though, we can have groups that support the advancement of all of these groups of people EXCEPT for the white people.
Yep, already starting to tune you out, and nope, now I don't care about you or your people.
And the reason they'll use as to why is because those groups are supposed to be MINORITIES, they aren't. YELLOW people are by far the majority on this planet. In fact black people probably outnumber white people globally too
No, on every level the above statement is factually incorrect!
But the point is, it really has NOTHING to do with being a minority, it has to do with certain groups of people getting SPECIAL rights. I believe in true equality. But you've always known that about me, this isn't news Mr. Van Halen. :)
No, it really has to do with you, and what you feel are special rights you aren't privileged too! This rhetoric and argument is starting to sound familiar.
So, you're saying that almost all rappers and R&B performers, all black comedians with very few exceptions and the majority of the black people I see on a daily basis are all ignorant? Because they ALL throw the N word around like it's going out of style.
I am sure there are special compounds, cities and perhaps states with races more to your liking.
A brief story here... As you know I can't walk and in order to get to a doctors appointment I need to be taken by ambulance, this is a couple of times a month and I often get the same EMT's for the trips. They're all black dudes and when they're transporting me they're always throwing around nigger this and nigger that. A few weeks back I told one of them I was very uncomfortable with them using that word. His answer was that if I didn't like it I shouldn't use it but when they used it that it was just the same as saying "dude". This is the mentality of most black people who use the word I'm afraid. It's become way too commonplace and accepted. I expressed my discomfort with the use of the word but it didn't do any good. I told the guy please don't use it around me because I was taught that the word was highly disrespectful and insulting and I didn't want to hear it. It didn't mean he was going to stop using it but at least for a little while he stopped.
Utah, Might be a good place to house hunt.
Maybe where you live it's different, I can only speak for where I live and for what I see in films and hear in music and things like that and to me, it's become way too common place and I find it difficult to believe that all of these people are flat out ignorant. I'm more inclined to believe, as my EMT said, that black people have adopted the word to mean nothing more than "dude" and aren't aware of how offensive it is to certain people who hear it. I can only say as a partly white dude, how it makes me feel to hear it.
Your EMT's have opinions imagine that, I have seen you, You're white and have been since I last checked, There is no professional setting where the word Nigga or Nigger is acceptable language to use, your EMT's sound like idiots.
Next week we shall discuss the overuse of "knowhatimsayin'" by the African American community and what we can do to get niggas to knock it da fuq off. :)
Unless one of your Agenda's is to institutionalize slavery to perform this, then You might have a long go
P.S. You's still mah nigga, right? :)
I have no problem with the NAACP, I have a problem with the lack of a NAAWP, we should have both. I'm all for the advancement of (eeks, I have to use the word) colored people, but I'm also for the advancement of white people and yellow people and red people etc etc. Thing is though, we can have groups that support the advancement of all of these groups of people EXCEPT for the white people. And the reason they'll use as to why is because those groups are supposed to be MINORITIES, they aren't. YELLOW people are by far the majority on this planet. In fact black people probably outnumber white people globally too, I'm not sure about that though, if we include all of Africa, parts of the middle east and all the relevant island nations it might be true. But the point is, it really has NOTHING to do with being a minority, it has to do with certain groups of people getting SPECIAL rights. I believe in true equality. But you've always known that about me, this isn't news Mr. Van Halen. :)
So, you're saying that almost all rappers and R&B performers, all black comedians with very few exceptions and the majority of the black people I see on a daily basis are all ignorant? Because they ALL throw the N word around like it's going out of style.
A brief story here... As you know I can't walk and in order to get to a doctors appointment I need to be taken by ambulance, this is a couple of times a month and I often get the same EMT's for the trips. They're all black dudes and when they're transporting me they're always throwing around nigger this and nigger that. A few weeks back I told one of them I was very uncomfortable with them using that word. His answer was that if I didn't like it I shouldn't use it but when they used it that it was just the same as saying "dude". This is the mentality of most black people who use the word I'm afraid. It's become way too commonplace and accepted. I expressed my discomfort with the use of the word but it didn't do any good. I told the guy please don't use it around me because I was taught that the word was highly disrespectful and insulting and I didn't want to hear it. It didn't mean he was going to stop using it but at least for a little while he stopped.
Maybe where you live it's different, I can only speak for where I live and for what I see in films and hear in music and things like that and to me, it's become way too common place and I find it difficult to believe that all of these people are flat out ignorant. I'm more inclined to believe, as my EMT said, that black people have adopted the word to mean nothing more than "dude" and aren't aware of how offensive it is to certain people who hear it. I can only say as a partly white dude, how it makes me feel to hear it.
Next week we shall discuss the overuse of "knowhatimsayin'" by the African American community and what we can do to get niggas to knock it da fuq off. :)
Just want to correct that the NAACP shouldn't pay anything for me, but then again, I am not sure who exactly elected them to represent me or anybody else, I didn't actually get any information on and vote.
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