
Something new we learned about Rare

I post an intersting analogy joke talking about life opinion and through an analogy about and well she went apeshit not realizing I was making a joke.

So before she removes the comments on this website like when she removed the ED comments.  I made a backup for posterity reasons.  First of all, Rare.  I was partially making a joke at you.   am noT and refuse to apologize because you and others wishes to censor an opinion.  

Just like Donald Trump wants to censor the news and public opinion about him.  You are literally the same as him.  I am not going to apologize for giving my opinion and I am not going to apologize can literally see the truth and it is front of their eyes.  

Here it is about a month with nothing being said and your still going about how you deserve an apology.  Who is the crazy one, RareinNature?  I am not retracting anything and your going at this by spamming this website only proves how right I am on the subject.  I am not and refuse to retract an opinion.

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Comment by Rare on August 21, 2017 at 8:51pm

I see you did an edit on this blog...changed 'prosperity' to the proper term finally...hahahahaha!  Should of taken a screenshot before you did.

Comment by Rare on August 19, 2017 at 10:07am

Let me address these 4 'points' I made:

1. I spammed the website because I didn't want your content there looking at me when I came.

Kenny, I am not the only person on this site that grow weary of your uninteresting content.  Look at the views on them, it tells all. 

2.   I did it because I can. 

Yes, Kenny, I did it because I can.  There aren't any limits set on how many videos/blogs you can post here.

3.   You answered emphatically that you can't be interesting and that all you can do is bring up the past.

Again, Kenny, by your comments and content made in just the last two days you have proven you have no interest in anything other than drama and attention.  That's why I hid my video.  I felt you were getting a hard-on from it and didn't want to be the cause of that kind of excitement in you.

4.  I admit that I removed your two memes from my video thread. 

Those memes were stupid and took up space on the thread that I didn't like.  As owner of the video I had every right to remove them.  Hmmm...that's why the content owner's are allowed to remove comments, duh.

BTW, Digger told me a lot about you.  Said to stay clear of you that you were insane.  When he led me here do you remember what he was doing at the time?  Giving you a lot of butthurt...lol...along with others on the site.  He told me when we were all on e-town together that he felt sorry for you and that's why he decided to become your friend in hopes that he could somehow change you.  Didn't happen that way though did it?

Comment by KCDennis on August 19, 2017 at 2:19am

Hey, where is a lie here, Rare.  I just exposed the truth.

Comment by KCDennis on August 19, 2017 at 2:17am

@Rare Everyone can READ YOUR COMMENTS, DEAR! 

Exact comments from Rare.  

1. I spammed the website because I didn't want your content there looking at me when I came.

2.   I did it because I can. 

3.   You answered emphatically that you can't be interesting and that all you can do is bring up the past.

4.  I admit that I removed your two memes from my video thread. 

Everyone can read the comments and see the obvious pattern.  This is the same pattern that you caused Digger when he told me it in private.  This is the same pattern on VH and other websites.  I am pointing this out so others can see your pattern of control.

The same control digger had to deal with before he died and why he called you loony.  Same routine but new player your trying to manipulate.  Nope.  It is in front of everyone when you lied.

Comment by Rare on August 19, 2017 at 1:49am

Just keep playing your banjo...

I really enjoy being your puppetmaster...lol

Comment by KCDennis on August 19, 2017 at 1:11am

Oh and keep going on Arguing when it is Obvious what i am showing everyone in your own comments about controlling people.  It is quite entertaining.

Comment by KCDennis on August 18, 2017 at 10:13pm

I am saying it so you know where I stand on certain issues.

Comment by KCDennis on August 18, 2017 at 10:11pm

Let us underline the exact comment for posterity reasons.  

Comment by Rare 9 hours ago
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Just to let you know.  I did not delete my video to you in regards to being interesting/spamming the site.  It is hidden from the public view.  Those with the URL can still find it.  Since it pertains to I-tube only (like you said repeatedly in your comments on it), I don't feel the public needs to see it.

Comment by Rare 12 hours ago
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And what about you admitting to removing comments I made? You censor too. I admit that I removed your two memes from my video thread. Didn't pertain to anything, so yeah I deleted them.

Comment by Rare 12 hours ago
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SMFH!  I didn't spam the damn website because of you not giving me an apology.  I spammed the website because I didn't want your content there looking at me when I came.  So fucking what?!  MBD can easily fix my ability to do so with the click of a button.  No big deal.  I did it because I can.  He's never said to me that he didn't want the place spammed by me like he told you. Hell, he promoted most of the videos I spammed it with.  Don't give a damn if you delete the videos to me or not.  Fine with me if you don't...just more fodder for others to look at and laugh at.  Like the videos on your YT channel...all just fucking worthless anyway.  Nothing interesting in any of them.  That's what my video to you was about...you being interesting.  You answered emphatically that you can't be interesting and that all you can do is bring up the past.

That last comment is a bit funny when just two weeks ago you brought up my past by posting ED comments on this website to throw the past at me.  Yet, I did not bring up the past until you decided to do it for the LULZ of it.  

I have never used the past until someone repeatedly throws it in my face on a non-stop basis.  So in return, I remind them of their past just so they know how I feel about the past being used as a deadly weapon.  If you want to use the past as an excuse then I will kindly throw it in your face in return.  I think using the past as a weapon is a weak defense of holding yourself accountable.   

I know exactly what your going to say before you say it.  NO!  I DID NOT THROW THE PAST AT THEM UNTIL THEY THREW THE SHIT IN MY FACE!  I think using the past against others is pretty shitty and cowardly but if they use it then it should be used against them.

Comment by KCDennis on August 18, 2017 at 9:08pm

@Rare Just as you said, 

Once again, you answer your question as of why the comment was removed.  This is not RareTube, ms D  Maybe there is a few here who wants to see the content.  Your going on this website dictating what can or cant be on this website.  

Typical hater and troll of this website.

Comment by KCDennis on August 18, 2017 at 8:55pm

@RaRE and what does my past have to do with anything?  When you come on this website trolling by posting ED shit then there is no relevence and I have a right to remove trollish style comments.  There is no violation but you trolling this website by spamming it.

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