
How to Fail MISERABLY at Extortion, by FireWall5000/BCJ999/Beau & FragUPlenty

I read FireWall's comment somewhere about "how I excluded snippets of the conversation" to "make him look bad".

Here's what REALLY was said, in it's entirety and unedited. I have more to say about this, but I just got in from work. Stay tuned this weekend.

[8/27/2010 3:00:22 AM] *** firewall5000 added Lez ***
[8/27/2010 3:01:13 AM] *** firewall5000 added fraguplenty ***
[8/27/2010 3:02:07 AM] firewall5000: are we all here?
[8/27/2010 3:02:14 AM] fraguplenty: here
[8/27/2010 3:02:50 AM] Lez: awww fuck...i was JUST going to lay down
[8/27/2010 3:02:59 AM] fraguplenty: listen
[8/27/2010 3:03:07 AM] Lez: and watch some bleach
[8/27/2010 3:04:03 AM] firewall5000: frag is on here because the 3 of us started DT and we need to talk business
[8/27/2010 3:04:51 AM] Lez: sad that we finally talk like this, but go forward with your statements
[8/27/2010 3:05:10 AM] firewall5000: alright.. i'll start first
[8/27/2010 3:07:16 AM] Lez: ???????????????????????/
[8/27/2010 3:09:19 AM] Lez: it's been 5 mins man
[8/27/2010 3:09:45 AM] Lez: any time before I go to work.........in 11 hours would be nice
[8/27/2010 3:09:50 AM] firewall5000: So there been a lot bad blood between all of us and now it's gone down to where DT's name has been unlinked.
[8/27/2010 3:10:23 AM] Lez: didn't know we had bad blood. I haven't heard from either of you since you guys quit
[8/27/2010 3:10:23 AM] firewall5000: So I'll make a deal with you
[8/27/2010 3:10:39 AM] Lez: i forgot how long ago that was
[8/27/2010 3:11:06 AM] firewall5000: I want nothing to do with DT and haven't since Nov 09 but me being the domain owner prevents me from that so I'm willing to sell it to you
[8/27/2010 3:11:22 AM] Lez: ok
[8/27/2010 3:11:46 AM] firewall5000: I'll relink the name to the ning
[8/27/2010 3:13:07 AM] firewall5000: the domain name is $1000. If can't afford that then I'll accept monthly payments of $100
[8/27/2010 3:14:42 AM] Lez: So.....let's start back in Nov. of 09 when you both quit and both promised to give me $100 when you google adsense accounts reached $100
[8/27/2010 3:15:22 AM] fraguplenty: lez please stick to the issue
[8/27/2010 3:15:27 AM] fraguplenty: this is the situation
[8/27/2010 3:15:27 AM] Lez: ...that was never recieved....incurring taxs....and leasing profits on that should about cover it
[8/27/2010 3:16:01 AM] Lez: srsly dude, DT had become a business when we invest the first dollar into it
[8/27/2010 3:16:22 AM] firewall5000: i invested plenty of money into it
[8/27/2010 3:16:28 AM] fraguplenty: Bo is making a bussiness deal with you
[8/27/2010 3:16:28 AM] fraguplenty: lez
[8/27/2010 3:16:36 AM] fraguplenty: you need to either take it or leave it
[8/27/2010 3:17:05 AM] Lez: neither can do anything without the other
[8/27/2010 3:17:23 AM] fraguplenty: have you been drinking
[8/27/2010 3:17:28 AM] Lez: Iced tea
[8/27/2010 3:17:55 AM] fraguplenty: allright well we will talk tommorow
[8/27/2010 3:18:13 AM] Lez: I own the content in which he owns the name, ning has graciously extended their deadline until the 30th
[8/27/2010 3:18:59 AM] Lez: I've been inquiring about reseting the .ning.com until I comeup with a dam snazzy name to resurrect with
[8/27/2010 3:19:18 AM] Lez: ...already have the GoDaddy acct.
[8/27/2010 3:20:40 AM] firewall5000: dramatube.net already has plenty of name recognition due to much promotion. You are better off having sticking cuz you'd be starting over with new name. I am willing to sell it to you and be done with it. Me and Frag will be gone from then on.
[8/27/2010 3:21:32 AM] Lez: Oh...the promotion that I was doing....THAT promotion? Fuck yea, lol, paid off lots, eh?
[8/27/2010 3:23:04 AM] Lez: the linkage, the side deals with the sites, the cohorts, the design and css code got DT lots of buzz, not to mention the bottom tool bars, with most of the active members posting on FB and twitter....meh........it can be done again
[8/27/2010 3:24:12 AM] Lez: I've only needed a reason to make new videos about a new site...the difference is, when we started I only had 2k subscribers on YouTube. Now I'm at 11k.....yeah.....it can be done again.
[8/27/2010 3:25:39 AM] Lez: even in the beginning we KNEW the name DRAMAtube was inviting shit to be flung
[8/27/2010 3:26:08 AM] Lez: WHY would I pay 1000 to carry that burden? Is shit flinging THAT profittable???
[8/27/2010 3:27:07 AM] firewall5000: Ok Lez if you don't wanna buy it then I can sell it to someone else
[8/27/2010 3:27:53 AM] Lez: Have you heard? Casey Nunez is a partner now!
[8/27/2010 3:28:17 AM] Lez: .....still the #1 google result for that name btw, lol
[8/27/2010 3:29:10 AM] firewall5000: 2 weeks Lez
[8/27/2010 3:29:13 AM] Lez: Grats dude...you own the name Dramatube.net until 2013.
[8/27/2010 3:30:06 AM] Lez: more like 2 days..then everything is gone, lol
[8/27/2010 3:30:36 AM] firewall5000: what do you mean 2 days?
[8/27/2010 3:30:47 AM] firewall5000: what are you talking about? 2 days?
[8/27/2010 3:31:52 AM] Lez: if I can't get a snazzy name and new domain over the weekend....it's done.....I go back to worrk Monday and i'm still working 16 hr shifts so I'm NOT breaking my back to save it.
[8/27/2010 3:32:41 AM] Lez: Sooooooooooooooooooooo Thanks!!!
[8/27/2010 3:33:48 AM] Lez: you'll be saving me 50 bucks a month.....THAT'S EXACTLY 1 30 PACK OF BEER, 1 5TH O HENNESSY AND 2 PACKS O CIGS ...........that I just got declined at the liquor store to get.
[8/27/2010 3:34:15 AM] firewall5000: We'll let you think about it on whether you wanna buy. You have 2 weeks to make the first purchase and then we'll relink it to ning. We're going now. you think on it
[8/27/2010 3:34:42 AM] Lez: thinkings done, friend
[8/27/2010 3:35:02 AM] Lez: thanks for the extention but, I decline
[8/27/2010 3:35:55 AM] Lez: and you're offer will be void after the 30th, dropping the "worth" of the name to nothing, since the content will be gone
[8/27/2010 3:36:42 AM] firewall5000: you haven't paid Ning for this month?
[8/27/2010 3:36:53 AM] Lez: lol NOPE
[8/27/2010 3:37:37 AM] Lez: I seen you coming a mile away Beau
[8/27/2010 3:38:41 AM] Lez: took my bank info off and entered my card number to my credit union, which denied EVERY transaction aside from credit union machines
[8/27/2010 3:39:37 AM] Lez: and what exactly is this "We" business?
[8/27/2010 3:39:50 AM] Lez: Frag, you're going along with this shakedown???
[8/27/2010 3:40:22 AM] firewall5000: it's a business proposition
[8/27/2010 3:40:44 AM] firewall5000: and i included cuz the 3 of us started the site together
[8/27/2010 3:41:19 AM] Lez: ooooHHh and you 2 split MY money???
[8/27/2010 3:41:52 AM] Lez: this isn't a business proposition..........THIS IS NOW A FIRE SALE!!!
[8/27/2010 3:42:14 AM] Lez: "EVERYTHING MUST GO!!!"
[8/27/2010 3:43:33 AM] Lez: Take your domain name and love it for what it's worth, but don't fondle it for 3 more years, until it mature, lol
[8/27/2010 3:44:17 AM] firewall5000: ok the name will be for sale if you wanna buy it or not. We're going now
[8/27/2010 3:44:58 AM] Lez: had it been something catchy....then maybe
[8/27/2010 3:45:32 AM] Lez: *wish I was on my old computer to pull up the chat log telling you it was a dumbass idea*
[8/27/2010 3:45:57 AM] Lez: ........me.......buy a dumbass name for 1000 bucks..........lulz
[8/27/2010 3:47:11 AM] Lez: GTFO and take your fail (...and domain name) with you!!!
[8/27/2010 3:47:46 AM] *** Lez has left ***

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Comment by MBRHIndustries on September 13, 2010 at 8:44am

Fuckin wankster ass wanksters.

Comment by Seanie on September 11, 2010 at 7:18am
Oh and you can still register dramatube.org dramatube.biz and the awesome dramatu.be is available today for just 99p a year on 123-reg
Comment by Seanie on September 10, 2010 at 9:21pm
Hey Lez

I still have www.dramatube.info which I'd be willing to let go for a song less than Noobster firebra & Faguplenty's dramatube.net

; o )

Let me know your level of interest
Comment by REALMAN on September 10, 2010 at 10:41am
HAHAHAHAH That was FAIL-icious!
Comment by Seanie on September 10, 2010 at 8:05am
I warned you didn't i lez? I told you them 2 was just a pair of camp spiteful noobs, now you know who speaks the truth

; o )

Comment by Magicwhoha on September 10, 2010 at 7:32am
I concider Frag in on it By mere Association ... Like it wasn't decided between firewall and frag long before the BS .... No Pity for those who are in on it ! they knew exactly what they wanted just didnt know how to squeeze it out of MBD or anyone ... pathetic !
Comment by CUTWEST on September 10, 2010 at 7:19am


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