For liking and commenting so greatly that you should your true value influence on me and this site.I take one day at a time always since my stroke 8 years ago but although I am getting stronger in mind and spirit by accepting what others failed to do to help me when I was in need and see there they are now.My roomy is having troubles making money with his fares as a cabbie and is talking about giving up his cab if things do not improve and with talks of gas is suppose to go up to 5 dollars a gallon this year,many people are going to be on foot or riding a bicycle.I have a nice 18 speed JEEP mountain bike which I can not ride because of severe weakness on my right side and nerve damage due to my stroke and do have an electric bicycle but it was been broke down for more than 3 years but stores are under a mile away and my pharmacy is right around the corner from me so walking there is a breeze.I have plenty of taxi van video blogs I have not done on video yet so if you want to see what the highways in Baltimore Maryland look like,I`m your man.I think I have some footage of M&T Stadium to share.I am happy to be here on itube and wish you all everyone a happy and safe 2012 :0)
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