Hello there.Been awhile for me posting here and see nobody has done anything here for over a year and was surprised my video went through.It`s far out there for the subject matter but that`s my life.I wish I could share some of the weird stuff but some secrets need to be kept.
I`ve been a pro wrestling fan since I was 11 years old and follow all leagues and the top once was WWE,but when I first started watching and going to matches,it was called the WWWF( World Wide…
ContinueAdded by Cosmic Joe on June 30, 2019 at 12:13am — No Comments
On my last days on YouTube,MBD asked me about my gaming.In the past,I started out gaming on the Sega Master System,which I still have 20 games for .Right now,I purchased a replacement Xbox system on Ebay with 7 games and a nice carrying case,and I have 50 games for that system,put in a bit for a Sega Genesis/CD/32x system,and bought a Xbox 360 gaming bundle with about 60 games included,and will do a video showing what games I play the most.If I do get the Sega genesis,I have a converter for…
ContinueAdded by Cosmic Joe on June 7, 2017 at 9:55am — No Comments
I have seen the side effects of this drug and if I have any infections,it may cause my death. I realize this. This is why I chose this. The psoriasis covers most of my body, making me look less human and more of a grey alien in hue. The itching is unbearable now. Tomorrow, I am to get this at the Kaiser permanente pharmacy once I get my last Kennog steroid shot in my left…
Added by Cosmic Joe on November 23, 2015 at 2:30pm — No Comments
After all the protests,all the looting,smashing windows,cars set on fire,people attacking the motionless police who were obviously ordered to stand down which the police commissioner will not admit,and the police who were a part of Mr Gray`s demise,nothing has changed in Baltimore.There are still at least 3 shootings a day and murders a plenty.Mostly disturbances but a lot of crime goes forth without being reported.Although there are cameras on most blocks in the city,we rarely see any…
ContinueAdded by Cosmic Joe on June 28, 2015 at 3:55pm — 2 Comments
I have found to realize that some of the events in my life changed with the decisions I made and it is a cycle that I cosmically remember like De Ja Vu in an infinite scale,leading into future events consisting in odd timelines which have been stagnated by mystic means by secret societies and magic symbolisms,such as the Stars o the U.S.A. Flag.Turn that star upside down,signals pure evil in every degree possible and after my stroke,I gave away my Motley Crue Shout At The Devil hoodie…
ContinueAdded by Cosmic Joe on October 27, 2014 at 6:26pm — No Comments
How stupid are you anyway?NING forwarded your home address to me and everyone you have done this to today so you must have gone bonkers or want someone to come to Omaha,Nebraska and kick your ass!Due to you doing this,NING has forwarded your home address to me and if anyone wants it,I will be more than happy to give it to them.You notice I am not stupid enough,like you,to post it for here.God day Mike,and know that you must have gone apeshit or something to think you have accomplished…
ContinueAdded by Cosmic Joe on February 10, 2014 at 7:57pm — 16 Comments
The material in that video and the person in that video was me,Cosmic Joe and I got a strike by NING or whoever the Hell Mike Draxx is for a video blog I created.Here is the gmail I got just now...
Amanda (Ning Help Center)…
ContinueAdded by Cosmic Joe on February 10, 2014 at 6:09pm — 4 Comments
The material in that video and the person in that video was me,Cosmic Joe and I got a strike by NING or whoever the Hell Mike Draxx is for a video blog I created.Here is the gmail I got just now...
Amanda (Ning Help Center)…
ContinueAdded by Cosmic Joe on February 10, 2014 at 6:09pm — 3 Comments
I just tried to watch TheDramaTube`s featured video but could not because it`s now marked private.The guy never backed me in any way any how so screw it. I joined an online ministry,American Marriage Ministries,which my nephew is part of also and no matter if people suggest it is scam,I have all the documentation and paperwork to perform funerals,marriages and other acts of religion.I chose to be modern minister so any denomination I would perform my duties.Also I am looking into…
ContinueAdded by Cosmic Joe on January 29, 2013 at 3:56pm — No Comments
I learned how I was to die in an overdose years ago on a mixture of DMT and Marijuana,a substance known as "Love Boat" after snorting cocaine and smoking that,every heart beat I took was a snap-shot of my life and as I got out of the shower which took a whole hour,I fell on my bed face down and my life and my death both flashed before my eyes.I was to die in a wrestling ring in front of an audience of a gun shot while holding up a championship title of some sort.Seeing this,I stayed…
ContinueAdded by Cosmic Joe on December 7, 2012 at 1:44pm — 1 Comment
Yes,stalkers,the same ones,have nothing better to do than harass me.They stop for a time and,when they get bored,start the same old crap over again and one site that I cared about,one member who I thought was my friend trashed me with name calling so I left there forever.Perhaps I should leave the internet all together because I do not feel that anyone would care one way or the other what I post or where I go.There is such evil people on the internet who only get their thrills…
ContinueAdded by Cosmic Joe on November 16, 2012 at 11:45pm — 1 Comment
Me ,my best friend and his girl all went last week to the National TV taping at the DuBurns Arena near the Inner Harbor in Baltimore,Maryland.4 episodes were taped and we sat so the most of the TV cameras caught us.I`m wearing a Metallica hat[shiny metal logo] and a Dimebag Darrel t-shirt for the first 2 episodes and changed to a ROH Grey shirt.It wa so fun and I will definitely go again.…
ContinueAdded by Cosmic Joe on May 21, 2012 at 1:00pm — 1 Comment
I am glad to see this site back online again.What has everyone been up to?Since March,many things have changed in my life.After being broken all the time,I hit my pick four number and have ordered a new front door so I`ll be saying goodbye to what old,ugly rusty door that has made my house look bad.You`ll be seeing more of Cosmic Joe`s Cooking,Wilderness Expeditions,and Cosmic Airways[Remote control helicopter with a camera],as well as Bicycle vlogs and,of course,taxi vlogs.I will load…
ContinueAdded by Cosmic Joe on May 17, 2012 at 2:08am — 9 Comments
I am Cosmic Joe in many ways.Not only in mind but in body as well.At 5 or 6 years old,I was part of an event of sorts and witnessed first hand a bright,metallic diamonded shaped,glowing with mist everywhere,a craft.Whether it was governmental or extraterrestrial in nature,I have clues but no certainty in what I experienced.
I was sent to call my 2 sisters to dinner by my mother.I am 48 years old so this was about in 1968-1969 when this happened.As I walked up to them,they were…
Added by Cosmic Joe on February 5, 2012 at 1:56pm — 4 Comments
Just saying!!!
Added by Cosmic Joe on January 23, 2012 at 6:22am — No Comments
The main reason why I am doing these cartoons is I want to share the concepts of those who are leaders of society and corporations like IBM,Oracle and other corporations which I saw the 3 Neo-tech,Nouveau Tech Secret Society,on many CEOs offices as well as many governmental department`s book shelves.Studying these books gave me insight on many things I have not shared yet,but I will after these 114 Neo-tech advantage concepts are done in cartoon form.The last one was time consuming and took…
ContinueAdded by Cosmic Joe on January 18, 2012 at 6:23pm — No Comments
Thanks for the feature itube,first of all.I did not drink this weekend but did use some sugar to make my lemon and ginseng green tea.Watching"The Time Traveler`s Wife' as I write this.I think I met time travelers before but I think I will never know the truth about why I am the way I am and what was done to me and why.I know my dog Brady is ravenous. He is looking at me right now at his empty dish.He snorts at me went he is mad.I just told him he has to wait until the morning and he…
ContinueAdded by Cosmic Joe on January 15, 2012 at 3:11am — 1 Comment
I am going to chronicle all 114 Neo-tech concepts in cartoon form because it is better to do this than try to talk it out myself and I think it is cool,so cool I went pro with it for a few months so you will be a lot of cartoons,outdoor and taxi vlogs.Also I do iphone on the stop videos which I can embed later here.Dena tried to trash this site but many of the old dramatubers know me and although I may seem that I am bullshitting you but seriously I am not.
I was once a…
ContinueAdded by Cosmic Joe on January 10, 2012 at 5:01pm — No Comments
Added by Cosmic Joe on January 5, 2012 at 1:34pm — 3 Comments
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