
Sasha & Malia Will Not Receive the Swine Flu Vaccine

"Why Aren't Obama's Daughters Receiving the H1N1 Vaccine?"

According to White House Press Secretary, Robert Gibbs, Obama's Daughters will not receive the vaccine based on their profile. Apparently, according to him, only children with an impaired immune system are supposed to take the vaccine. But, I don't think that is not what the media has been reporting at all. In fact, when my grandchildren went to get the "mist", the only thing the doctor asked about was any allergies. They are perfectly healthy kids.

It gets stranger all the time, as this is supposed to be a level 6 pandemic, not a virus that only attacks susceptible children. According to WHO, "Almost half of the reported cases of oseltamivir resistant virus have occured in patients taking oseltamivir for prophylaxis. While the significance of this observation is not yet clear, prophylaxis should only be offered where there are strong reasons for doing so..in general, WHO does not recommend the use of antiviral drugs for prophylactic purposes. For people who have had exposure to an infected person and are at a higher risk of developing severe or complicated illness, an alternative option is close monitoring for symptoms, followed by prompt early antiviral treatment should symptoms develop.

Why do I keep hearing doctors on Cable News, including Fox, recommending that children receive a flu shot for prevention. Am I missing something here? In fact, I went to the official site of the Secretary of Human Health Services, and that was the first thing I saw: the importance of getting your flu shot. Every time I drive by Walgreens, there it is a sign "Get your flu shot."

Many of you may have heard of Jane Burgemeister, an Austrian journalist, who claims that the H1N1 vaccine is an attempt by the World Elite to reduce the population. she states on her website :In February 2009, Baxter’s Austrian subsidiary in Orth an der Donau manufactured and distributed 72 kilos of vaccine material, contaminated with a H5N1 (more lethal) virus, to 16 laboratories in four countries... this deadly contamination and distribution was almost certainly due to criminal intent." She has filed injunstion against the Obama Administration and WHO.

Even the Times of India reported that the H5N1 was mixed with H3N2, and the Times went on to say "Accidental release of a mixture of live H5N1 and H3N2 viruses could have resulted in dire consequences. While H5N1 doesn't easily infect people, H3N2 viruses do. If someone exposed to a mixture of the two had been simultaneously infected with both strains, he or she could have served as an incubator for a hybrid virus able to transmit easily to and among people."

Remember the Nuremberg Code for your defense, since there has been a lot of talk about "forced vaccinations": "The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential. This means that the person involved should have legal capacity to give consent; should be so situated as to be able to exercise free power of choice, without the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, overreaching, or other ulterior form of constraint or coercion; and should have sufficient knowledge and comprehension of the elements of the subject matter involved as to enable him to make an understanding and enlightened decision."

"Sid the Science Kid Gets a Flu Shot (Propaganda for kids)"
Notice how they tell kids that if they get the shot, then they wont spread it to there friends.. But really, how many times have you seen someone get the shot, and then get sick. This is just an example of Vaccine propaganda being push through every corporate media outlet. Even though people are dying, getting paralyzed and major brain damage all over the world from all vaccines, The Corporate media Programs people to think that's it all just a coincidence that people die after taking the shot.

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Comment by MURDA MAX on October 30, 2009 at 3:03am
Comment by MURDA MAX on October 30, 2009 at 2:58am
well thats what they said http://www.drudge.com/news/126533/obama-daughters-get-swine-flu-vac... i guess its two conflicting storys
Comment by Mitsos on October 28, 2009 at 6:52am
"i checked the news they took it"

But did the kids take it?
Comment by Mitsos on October 28, 2009 at 6:51am
"Real reason his kids won't be taking the vaccine: That shit might fucking kill you. "

For every life saved by the vaccine 1000 life's are endangerad.
Not bad for big pharma
Comment by ☠Realize Lies☠ on October 28, 2009 at 5:25am
Comment by MURDA MAX on October 28, 2009 at 12:28am
i checked the news they took it
Comment by MBRHIndustries on October 27, 2009 at 3:22am
Also that 'propaganda 4 kidz' is fucking sickening. They really know no end to ruthlessness.
Comment by MBRHIndustries on October 27, 2009 at 3:20am
Real reason his kids won't be taking the vaccine: That shit might fucking kill you.
Comment by ☠Realize Lies☠ on October 26, 2009 at 1:24pm
President Obama’s school age daughters have not been vaccinated against the H1N1 flu virus. White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs says the vaccine is not available to them based on their risk.

The Centers for Disease Control recommend that children ages 6 months through 18 years of age receive a vaccination against the H1N1 flu virus. At this time only children with chronic medical conditions are receiving the vaccination because their immune system is not strong enough to fight off the strain. The CDC also says a regular seasonal flu shot does not protect against the virus.

FACT: Sec. Sebelius says that children are the most susceptible to H1N1 flu, and should be vaccinated against it.

FACT: Oct 8th: It was announced that President Obama’s school age daughters have not been vaccinated against the H1N1 flu virus. White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs says, “the vaccine is not available to them based on their risk.”

[Note the carefully constructed PASSIVE phrase by the White House: "the vaccine is not available to them," as opposed to say, a more PROACTIVE and ACCURATE phrase: "have decided not to vaccinate." Why? Because the latter phrase would prompt people to ask why the First Family is withholding consent to vaccinate, while the former makes it falsely appear like the decision not to vaccinate was imposed on Obama. Personally, I've heard thousands of parents refer to their decision not to vaccinate their children. But I've never once heard anyone explain that the "vaccine was not available to them." Does anyone believe a vaccine would not be made "available" to the President's own children?!]

In the video below, watch him circumnavigate the question about whether his children will get the juice. Without a teleprompter he is lost, with no ability to think on his feet. At the time he was asked this question (September 20th), surely he knew the unyielding position of Health & Human Services Czar Kathleen Sebelius and the CDC, but note that he says, “My understanding at this point is that……” sputter, stumble, ummm… The position of necessary vaccination — and even the repeated attempts to make the vaccine mandatory — had been communicated well before this point in time, yet he pretends to not understand the position of his own Health Czar and the CDC.

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