At this point it seems clear your blog exists only as a place for you to post inane messages directed at me and rare and bytes, so you really should rename it to "Kenny spouts off to Argent, Rare & Bytes", the whole front page of it right now is you addressing me. I don't even read 90% of the crap because it's written in pidgin English and is not readable by someone with a greater than kindergarten education. But I guess it keeps you off the streets.
Added by Argent009 on March 30, 2014 at 11:19pm — 7 Comments
....but you'd BETTER love her!
Happy Birthday Bytes
ALL these years and you're STILL one of the TRUEST friends I've ever made.…
ContinueAdded by MBD - Tha Last NetBender on March 29, 2014 at 9:56pm — 3 Comments
Added by Drone on March 29, 2014 at 12:30am — 10 Comments
Added by Drone on March 25, 2014 at 4:00am — 4 Comments
Awwwww diddums did uz get banned from butthurtloasis? awwwww still can't play nice with others ay? well at least you can play MC with PV. Just checking out all your great videos here oh, wait..... so while you are dissing the P-Funk lets get one thing very clear. It is a genre of its own. If you do not like my P-Funk videos and have nothing nice to say then STFU and don't comment on my shit mmmmm'kay?
Here is another video you won't…
ContinueAdded by Big Daddy Pain on March 25, 2014 at 1:36am — 12 Comments
To order the 3 DVD set go here:
The price has been drastically reduced from when I first purchased it and if you're broke you CAN watch all the parts on YouTube and other services free of charge because the creator has released it under Creative Commons but it's nice to have the boxed…
ContinueAdded by Argent009 on March 20, 2014 at 2:38am — 5 Comments
Added by Argent009 on March 17, 2014 at 10:53pm — No Comments
Whilst I was spending a quiet evening perusing videos on YouTube, I came across this most distressful video. It features the much-maligned, dear Phantom. I realize that he is not overly popular amongst a particular crowd of people on the internet, but is this really appropriate, to edit his videos to make him come across so... demonic?
What thoughts…
ContinueAdded by Magazinekitchen on March 16, 2014 at 9:05pm — 11 Comments
If you had to choose a theme song for how your life is going at this moment, which song would it be?
Added by Bytes on March 16, 2014 at 6:51pm — 4 Comments
As twisted as I am there are some lines I just wouldn't cross, this woman in the video, from what I read created a bit of a hoopla a few years back.
Now Watching this video for about a couple minutes in, I could tell this woman was pretty much full of shit, but I have to take my hat off to her, she is pretty fucking amusing and funny, and actually kind of talented, and not bad with theatrics, if it wasn't for this very very fucked up subject, she could actually go pretty far…
ContinueAdded by Drone on March 16, 2014 at 4:18pm — 2 Comments
Just didn't want you to feel left out.
Added by Argent009 on March 13, 2014 at 4:10pm — 3 Comments
Send me 25 cents via PayPal and I will say something really mean to Jfry and if you send me 50 cents and give me admin for 2 minutes I'll ban his ass and save the site from more of his inane bullshit!
This is a much better bargain than Jfry is offering, where he pays you and destroys the whole site. What ya think dude? Sound good?
Added by Argent009 on March 13, 2014 at 3:21am — 3 Comments
Please tell us you were not stupid enough to place Bytes as an moderator or admin at this site a second time ???
For God's sake she is so biased and potentially guilty herself in this entire matter, it's completely unfair...
PM me I'll tell me how much to paypal you to become a mod... Bytes can keep banning PV and I will ban Argent...
Balanced and Fair will be how we roll....
And if anybody think's I'm changing…
ContinueAdded by j on March 12, 2014 at 6:30pm — 30 Comments
Breaking News!
Added by Drone on March 12, 2014 at 4:23am — 10 Comments
Phantomvision is no longer a member of this website.
Phantom left of his own accord (unfortunately depriving Argent the joy of banning him. lol ). Phantom has agreed to not return to this site. Any account that appears with Phantom's name on it OR claims to be Phantom will be suspended.
Added by Bytes on March 12, 2014 at 12:05am — 6 Comments
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