Ya know.....I really don't understand. When there are trolls on this site making normal conversations impossible the website traffic goes thru the roof. BUT everyone complains about the trolls disrupting everything....sooooo we get rid of the trolls and the website virtually dies and suddenly no one has anything to say to each other anymore?
Are you only "happy" when you are in some troll war and claim to be "miserable"? What gives peeps?
Added by Bytes on September 14, 2014 at 10:10pm — 14 Comments
While the internutts anxiously awaits the oncoming changes of i-Tube, the world of 8-bit architect comes to a abrupt halt.
"They're moving on........WITHOUT ME!?!"…
ContinueAdded by MBD - Tha Last NetBender on July 7, 2014 at 9:30pm — 85 Comments
What's with all the videos from niggers calling niggers niggers? If it's a bad word, stop fucking using it all the fucking time nigger! I'm tired of hearing niggers call each other nigger and then get all offended if they hear someone else say nigger, nigger please! And PUHLEEZE don't give me that lame ass cop out that "Nigga" isn't the same fucking word, talk about some nigger ass kindergarten level stupid nigger shit!
Nigger Please!
Added by Argent009 on May 23, 2014 at 8:36pm — 63 Comments
No? Well it looks like someone wasted their time posting a bunch of blogs.
Did anyone else see the Venus transit? I'll give you the tl;dr version.
That shit took hours in real time, but it was cool to watch. I got a glimpse of it for a couple of seconds early on because I stacked some sunglasses on top of each other. Yea it sounds dumb, but I saw motherfucking Venus, and it won't show up that way again for over 100 years. My vision…
ContinueAdded by MBRHIndustries on June 6, 2012 at 5:23am — 1 Comment
Checked the master account and saw this:
What does this mean? Fuck all if I know.
There's a "NEW CLAUSE", which usually mean NEW problems.
Initially, to me, it seems as if Ning…
ContinueAdded by MBD - Tha Last NetBender on January 5, 2012 at 3:00am — 10 Comments
For liking and commenting so greatly that you should your true value influence on me and this site.I take one day at a time always since my stroke 8 years ago but although I am getting stronger in mind and spirit by accepting what others failed to do to help me when I was in need and see there they are now.My roomy is having troubles making money with his fares as a cabbie and is talking about giving up his cab if things do not improve and with talks of gas is suppose to go up to 5…
ContinueAdded by Cosmic Joe on January 3, 2012 at 10:12pm — No Comments
Get it? lololololololololol i trol u
This is the part where I discuss some shit no one cares about.
This is the next part where I try to coyly slip in an underhanded comment.
This is the last part where I rally support with something related or not.
Theres cameras in your food dood.
The pope eats babies.
The stargate is in yemen (google it).
ContinueAdded by MBRHIndustries on September 10, 2011 at 3:01pm — 1 Comment
Hi guys and gals,
I have been lurking on i-tube for quite a while now so thought it would be only fair that I create at least some content for the site.
I am a freelance web designer/video editor but I am also a pc security professional. This means that most of my blogs are going to be of a technical nature but hopefully ones that will help people. This particular blog deals with the E-mail scammers.
ContinueAdded by Trackeditor on September 5, 2011 at 9:30am — 2 Comments
Added by Big Daddy Pain on August 27, 2011 at 12:21pm — 4 Comments
Who ever is reading this and cares about Vloggerheads - the solution to your problems is to impeach Frank. And do it FAST.
See how he hides. Does not come around - but is controling the show over there.
Vloggerheads is in worst shape today than EVER. Complaints are not adhered to. Your site is a run away site with Frank in control. If this is what you want, so be it.
But the solution is simple. Impeach…
ContinueAdded by Taylor on August 19, 2011 at 11:48pm — 5 Comments
Added by Taylor on August 18, 2011 at 4:56pm — No Comments
Why isn't this place as interesting as it used to be? I know we've always had posts about how awful vloggerheads is. Because its really notably awful. And how is phantom still here? And now if not by the omnipotent hand of jehova these two perfect shitstorms managed to clash in perhaps the most lulzworthy event possible, kenny fucking filing dmcas ON…
ContinueAdded by MBRHIndustries on August 18, 2011 at 4:00am — 1 Comment
Hello all ... Miss the Site Sooo Much Had to Come back and get it Goin ... Besides its all Phatomed upz ... And think I will start to add my two cents to it ALL ...get my phantomvision on ... more like Off lmao .. Phantom ... Oh phantom .. where to begin .. What stupid ignorant crap shall I lay in your Shitty ass vids ... Or am I goin to find something interestin ?
are you goin to surprise me ?
I Hope So gave you enough Time to Breath .. I layed Resting like a Fool but will I…
ContinueAdded by Magicwhoha on August 18, 2011 at 12:42am — 8 Comments
Added by Taylor on August 12, 2011 at 11:04pm — 2 Comments
So I hadn't been in my channel in a couple of months, had it unavailable. I log in a few days ago, the bad news is I had my "Happy Valentine's Day to the Strippers" video that had over 10,000 views, was flagged for inappropriate content and in order to get to my channel I had to take a youtube class and quiz
The good news is, I did a reactionary video when YT offered me revenue sharing on the video. For 3 reasons: to mock Youtube for offering me (was my first time) ad…
ContinueAdded by koolaidgirlovesyou on June 5, 2011 at 9:16am — 5 Comments
-I know I just showed up here to see PV squirm but while here I have been digging some vids and that justplainJames guy kicked arse! LOL hey dude if your out there and your sober why not make a few vids for VH? lol
Seriously though I was really getting into those vids.
Hope you return soon James. I like the cut of your jib.
Added by Big Daddy Pain on May 16, 2011 at 8:41am — 6 Comments
Around 9pm (estrn US) I stepped in to catch up.
Read a few blogs and watched a few vids.
Hopped on FB and got a new skill (SuperHero City.....cuz, you know....I'm trying to save the world and all).
I got this skill.
Why not?
We've saved the world AT LEAST a dozen times over....if NOT the world....someone's perception OF it.
Our Mods ARE the best......wrong caps on the wrong word.
ContinueAdded by MBD - Tha Last NetBender on May 10, 2011 at 5:45am — 3 Comments
Added by twister7boy on April 24, 2011 at 7:19am — 2 Comments
So....I've been thinking of this idea for almost a year now and now I'm gonna present it to you all.
*There's still some kinks to be worked out...the kinks are human nature.*
Everyone's heard the saying : It TAKES money to MAKE money.
This idea includes everyone here or everyone who wants to participate in this process, while I don't think it'll happen fast, I do think it COULD very well happen. It involves paypal and your…
ContinueAdded by MBD - Tha Last NetBender on April 11, 2011 at 8:30pm — 7 Comments
get ready its a long one.
its no surprise that i get crap sent to me all the time about good friends.
most of it is just crap they know nothing about or dont even bother checking into.
everyone does make mistakes no dought hay good band too.
why should i ditch my friends for simple mistakes everyone makes themselves?
i wont and every time someone sends me something i read or watch every bit of it concerning slandering my friends.
makes me…
ContinueAdded by twister7boy on March 26, 2011 at 4:45am — No Comments
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