I know that for a long, long time it has been the policy of this website to allow just about anyone in. I'm sure you have certain email accounts, and maybe even IP addresses that have been banned on a list. You know it's easy for anyone to obtain new email accounts and hide their IP addresses, so why aren't we doing more about the riff raff that comes to this site and try to cause harm to members of the site? Of course I'm speaking about the recent 'carol' account that was doxxing on…
ContinueAdded by Rare on June 8, 2017 at 2:11pm — 22 Comments
I been off this website for two years and been busy. As some of you know by now, I am a college student at Independence University. I am majoring in Computer Programming and no longer live in North Carolina. I actually live outside of Salt Lake City, Utah.
I have officially retired from the Newspaper Industry and this is not a joke. I hurt my hip and was forced to retire about 4 months ago. I am not going to tell people what I do but it is a good paying job. It is the…
ContinueAdded by KCDennis on June 8, 2017 at 8:00am — 2 Comments
I knew Phantom had setup up a GoFundMe page, but hadn't looked at it until today. The comments made by Trevor Rieger along with his $5 donations are hilarious.
Anyways, if you have an extra $5 maybe you could send it to Kenny so that he can keep his hotel room and eat. I personally would buy weed...but just in case you feel generous here is the link
ContinueAdded by Rare on June 7, 2017 at 11:30am — 2 Comments
On my last days on YouTube,MBD asked me about my gaming.In the past,I started out gaming on the Sega Master System,which I still have 20 games for .Right now,I purchased a replacement Xbox system on Ebay with 7 games and a nice carrying case,and I have 50 games for that system,put in a bit for a Sega Genesis/CD/32x system,and bought a Xbox 360 gaming bundle with about 60 games included,and will do a video showing what games I play the most.If I do get the Sega genesis,I have a converter for…
ContinueAdded by Cosmic Joe on June 7, 2017 at 9:55am — No Comments
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