Added by MBRHIndustries on September 29, 2009 at 7:58pm —
So I've finally gotten around to creating a new YouTube account.... and created it just yesterday, but never have gotten one of these little things before....
Added by ☠Realize Lies☠ on September 29, 2009 at 4:54pm —
I think a blog about this was posted long ago. However that was back when the site had far fewer members and hardly anyone signed up for twitter so i'll say it again.
DramaTube has its own account at twitter. In fact we've reposted some of your blogs, pictures, and videos there to help the rest of the web check out your stuff. Let us know if you have twitter and we'll follow you there.…
Added by Pyramid Head on September 29, 2009 at 12:49pm —
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Scientists and government leaders have already started mapping out how to try to improve the world's first successful AIDS vaccine, which protected one in three people from getting HIV in a large study in Thailand.
That's not good enough for immediate use, researchers say. Yet it is a watershed event in the 26 years since the AIDS virus was discovered. Recent setbacks led many scientists to think a successful vaccine would never be possible.
The World Health Organization…
Added by Steven on September 28, 2009 at 8:51pm —
DMCA doesn't permit you to copyright your own face. The guy in the video thought that he could DMCA people for this and well he got a rude awakening. The legal system is like fire, you start playing around with it and sooner or later your ass is gonna get burned. Think twice before abusing the DMCA or you could find yourself having to swallow your pride and make an apology video in order to avoid jail time....…
Added by Pyramid Head on September 28, 2009 at 6:00pm —
Thats what i'm looking at right now
I don't really care but that's kind of weird. I wish i could really do things like that. :)
Added by StabbedInTheKunt on September 28, 2009 at 3:13am —
1 Comment
U.S. must take lead in renewable energy
Woodrow Clark,Grant Cooke
Sunday, September 27, 2009
America must reduce its dependence on fossil fuels, reverse the pace of environmental degradation and embrace the reality of renewable energy generation on smart grids.
We must grab the lead of the "Third Industrial Revolution," as Jeremy Rifkin called it, to create sustainable, agile communities that are energy independent and carbon…
Added by Pyramid Head on September 27, 2009 at 11:23pm —
James Robinson uses solar and wind energy to power his Lisle home. His home will be featured on the Illinois Solar Energy Association's annual tour on Oct. 3
Imagine retiring, secure in the knowledge that no matter what catastrophes might befall the economy, your home is as safe as you can make it.
You have paid off your mortgage and thanks to solar and wind power, you don't have many, if any, utility bills to pay each…
Added by Pyramid Head on September 27, 2009 at 10:00pm —
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I have spent most of today, about 6 hours watching video and news coverage of the G20 in Pittsburg. I had spent the previous 2 -3 weeks researching the new vaccine, squalene and other adjuvants they are trying to push on the population. But I took a break today to see what was happening, if anything, at the G20. I watched alot of amature video that was taken and saw maybe a few hundred walking peacefully with signs in different groups. Then it hit me. The fat cats in that conference hall must…
Added by Chokedattheworld on September 25, 2009 at 10:23pm —
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response to Joanna's earlier blog post.
Ok here's my take on it. Could it ever become more "mainstream"? Yea sure anything is possible i guess.
If it were to gain more publicity I dont think it will change the website in itself. That is unless the ppl managing this place were to suddenly have their motives changed. Despite some of the pessimistic jackasses who always say this place is "dying", actually DT has been growing steadily. During the site's steady growth I…
Added by Pyramid Head on September 24, 2009 at 9:26pm —
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The Huffington Post embedded a DramaTube video called "The Return of McCarthyism".
Find more videos like this on DramaTube
Big thanks goes to BeornBorg for reposting the vid and informing them that the vid was now hosted here.
Here's a link to the article:…
Added by Pyramid Head on September 24, 2009 at 6:30am —
1 Comment
I personally have been waiting for this moment for a LONG time. Yesterday evening we beat Vloggerheads in the Alexa ratings. We not only just beat them but we
SOARED past them by about 7000 points!! At the time of writing this, DramaTube is currently ranked at 186,876 while VH is 193,000 something. This is a pretty big feat because Vloggerheads has always had more resources at their disposal then DT has. It's kinda like the Ma n' Pa grocery store kicking the local Walmart's…
Added by Pyramid Head on September 22, 2009 at 4:30pm —
HOwever it's happening VERY slowly though. Yeah I know this blog is a very long but i found it very interesting, educational, and even a prediction of things to come.
The electrification of motoring
Sep 3rd 2009
From The Economist print edition
The electrification of motoring
After many false starts, battery-powered cars seem here to stay. Are they just…
Added by Pyramid Head on September 19, 2009 at 3:30pm —
i need to find peace of mind. honestly, in a world such as this, how is that possible? sometimes i crave excitement but such things are fleeting. this is why we should cherish the quiet moments of tranquility and forget those times of despair. i'm still a work in progress. i'm damaged goods. i need to repair the broken parts.
Added by clay lavl on September 19, 2009 at 10:51am —
How we lost the solar industry
By Thomas L. Friedman
2:00 a.m. September 18, 2009
Applied Materials is one of the most important U.S. companies you've probably never heard of. It makes the machines that make the microchips that go inside your computer. The chip business, though, is volatile, so in 2004 Mike Splinter, Applied Materials' CEO, decided to add a new business line to take advantage of the company's nanotechnology…
Added by Pyramid Head on September 19, 2009 at 10:35am —
Hello, old friends. Nice to see you again. I trust all is well in your lives?
Good. Now that the formalities are done and over with, let's get down to the grit of this thing.
I've been gone, as you've no doubt not noticed, nor cared. But for those who have found themselves sitting back in fond recollection of drunken rants and profanity laced tirades thinking, "where did that motherfucker go?", allow me to shed some light on the matter, now that I have the ability and…
Added by six ounce on September 17, 2009 at 3:24pm —
I am prompted to write this blog after a few beers, so please excuse my spelling mistakes and grammar.
I have an elderly couple that live next door to me. They are extremely wonderful people. They are like grand-parents to my children and my kids love them dearly as do I. The issue I have is their views and beliefs about the events in the world and how and why they think that way. It isn't really an issue, but more a sorrow. I feel bad they think they know what they do. I feel bad…
Added by Chokedattheworld on September 15, 2009 at 8:30pm —
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(what do YOU guys think?)
The Truth About the Health Care Bills
Posted August 12, 2009
Well, I have done it! I have read the entire text of proposed House Bill 3200: The Affordable Health Care Choices Act of 2009. I studied it with particular emphasis from my area of expertise, constitutional law. I was frankly… Continue
Added by ☠Realize Lies☠ on September 14, 2009 at 3:27pm —
1 Comment
Added by ☠Realize Lies☠ on September 14, 2009 at 3:11pm —
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SYDNEY (AFP) – Australians have overtaken Americans as the world's biggest individual producers of carbon dioxide, which is blamed for global warming, a risk consultancy says.
British firm Maplecroft placed
Australia's per capita output at 20.58 tons a year, some four percent higher than the United States and top of a list of 185 countries.
Canada, the Netherlands and Saudi Arabia rounded out the top five. China remains the world's biggest overall greenhouse gas…
Added by John on September 13, 2009 at 9:40am —
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